Being curbside is one of the main differentiators of ClusterTruck from 3rd party delivery models, and a key element to what makes the ClusterTruck system work. We promise our couriers that they never have to leave their vehicles, and ask that customers come outside to their car, which results in a more equitable experience for their time and effort.

Something that is sorely missed with current delivery models is how much couriers have to go through to put food in customer's hands. There is actually a lot of "idle" time, between waiting on restaurants, to finding the right doors, to finding parking, to getting on elevators... there's precious time being spent that isn't being accounted for. Our model greatly reduces that wasted time, and ultimately results in a faster, more predictable, and reliable service not just for customers, but for our couriers too. We're proud to say we truly give couriers a better opportunity by driving with us, and we thank every customer that recognizes this and supports this model.

(A side benefit too, is the wider range of people we can provide work to - from single parents to those with mobility disability. If you'd like to drive with us, Click Here)

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I'm not in your zone... can I still order ClusterTruck?

Can my driver bring it to my door?

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Email: Text: 317-732-1084